LogoYes Review

Learn about the LogoYes online logo maker for small businesses. Includes info on LogoYes, free trials, pricing, customer reviews, and FAQs.

Updated on December 19th, 2022

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LogoYes was an online logo maker for businesses. It allowed users to create logo designs for free, only requiring payment to download.

The LogoYes website now redirects to Web.com, a website builder and online marketing platform.

Create a Free Logo

Zarla Logo Maker

Create an amazing logo in minutes, 100% free.

Create Your Logo

Create hundreds of logos with a few clicks.

Multiple file types and instant download.


LogoYes used to charge $0.99 per download.


Pros: Easy to use with a large library of templates.

Cons: Limited number of icons and fonts. Artwork is outdated.

Bottomline: An affordable tool for small businesses. Read the terms of use for clarity on pricing and charges.

Key Information:

Legal Name

Web.com Group


12808 Gran Bay Pkwy. W., Jacksonville, FL 32258

Number of Employees


Number of Customers



1 (800) 940-5646




What does LogoYes cost?

It was free to create logos on LogoYes, but it cost $0.99 per download.

Is there a free trial for LogoYes?

No, LogoYes did not offer a free trial.

What are the best LogoYes alternatives?